Eastern Coccinella novemnotata (ninespotted ladybug) larvae are selected from a colony that originated with ladybugs collected on Long Island, New York, and will be shipped only to northeastern states. They are shipped with a few green or pink fava bean aphids to snack on. Fava bean aphids will not infest other garden crops. Ninespotted ladybug larvae gobble up aphids and other small garden pests as they grow. You can help save this species while helping your garden!
Lost Ladybug Rescue is keeping track of where these larvae are released and where they successfully establish new generations. So, you will also be helping ladybug science!
Come with release instructions.
We will be shipping live ladybugs only during the month of June in 2023.
We are shipping TWO packets of 50 larvae per box only. Previously, the second packet was an option with no extra shipping charge. But our actual overnight shipping charges are very high. Sending more ladybugs to any destination will be good for the ladybugs in the long run and help us keep going. Thank you !!!
Please order live ladybugs at least a few days ahead of when you wish them to arrive! Please note that we cannot hold credit card information for more than 30 days. We will try to run the charges as close as possible to shipping your order. But if you order far in advance {a great idea in every other way!!!} your credit card will be charged ahead of shipping.
More information about the ninespotted ladybug and how this project began can be found here.